Thursday, July 8, 2010


for a good time add ice!

Please go to the above link to find out what you need to create some "good times"!  YUM!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Danita Art

My Danita art arrived!  I'm so excited!  I haven't ordered anything from her since her sheepdog art (she doesn't do it anymore *boo-hoo*) I managed to find a couple...this one is titled Happy Old English sheepdog.
Danita sheepies

I just love how the emotions of her girls show through her art and her use of color is enviable!

Now I am on the lookout for the perfect picture frames.

Canine Epilipsy

My poor Goo, it seems his seizures are becoming more frequent again.  I hate seeing him like that.  I have upped his phenobarbital again, just last week, but he had a seizure again last night.  I will wait again to see when the next one is before I up the meds again.
I think I really try to figure out triggers, and maybe electrical storms make him more likely to have one.  I might be reaching.  He definitely has to remain calm, because stress is one of those triggers.
I will remain positive that this is not the beginning of...well...I don't want to talk about that.  I will just give him extra love and hope Murph doesn't get too jealous.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Need a webcam

this looks like super fun! but you need a web cam, I don't have one, but need one especially if i ever plan on skyping (is that a word? hee hee).