Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"To cut two carrots with one knife"

Today I started off my day with yoga practice at a Sunrise Yoga class here in town (at 6AM!) , lead by a good friend...such a lovely way to start the day!  It is difficult for me lately to get up that early with the shortened days...but I have to remember how good I feel when I do...

Day 2 - Vegan: I ate the same breakfast as yesterday and snacked on a handful of cashews and an apple.

For lunch we went to Boon Burger
Our friend owns this awesome vegan restaurant and a film crew is in this week from "You Gotta Eat Here" so we went to show our support!  We are going back tomorrow as well...good thing the food is amazing...I have no problem eating here two days in a row! I will, however, venture from my Salsa Burger (which I have EVERY time)!

I snacked on a banana and an orange and made a dish that I didn't take a picture of...
I steamed potato, carrot, kale and tossed with margarine, juice from half a lemon, fresh dill, dry thyme and salt.  I loved the flavor!  The lemon was nice to cut the bitterness of the kale and it was super easy to make.

I really feel great...I am surprised at how great I feel so quickly! I love feeling proud of my choices.  In my copy of "Vegan's Daily Companion" it is recommended to use "compassionate alternatives" for expressions such as kill two birds with one stone! She suggests to cut two carrots with one knife!  I can't say it falls off the tongue very easily but I'll give it a shot!  Though my family will really think I've taken flight over the cuckoo's nest...I think that expression is still OK, isn't it?

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